Furniture Finance

Advantages of Leasing

Hold on to Your Money

Retain money within the business for essential activities, benefit by creating instant cash flow and spreading costs.

Demonstrating ROI

As the goods are paid for regularly, directors and stakeholders of your business will be able to see a return on their investment from day one.

No “Unexpected” Charges

You can include installation and planned maintenance in addition to the capital cost. Our finance partners will make fast credit decisions and we won’t use jargon or flood you with complicated paperwork.

Tax Against Profit

The payments you make as part of your lease rental are 100% tax allowable against profits.

No Increased Payments

Even if bank base rates increase, the amount you pay remains the same, due to your lease rental interest agreement being on a fixed basis.

Alternate Business Funding

When you use leasing to purchase furniture, you protect other lines of credit that you may have such as loans or overdrafts. Therefore, you are able to conserve available credit.

Tailored to you

Cubix appreciates your business may operate seasonally and due to this offer an option to create seasonal repayment holidays to match your income periods.

Don’t Wait, Have it Now

Defer your payments up to six months. When deferring payments, you can have the new furniture you desire now rather than next year.


Contact us to discuss your financial needs. We are here to help. Contact Us